In this area we will show you how to design your own MV template, allowing your friends to create MVs by using the template you designed.
Designing a MV template is easier than you might expect, even with just a little experience of Flash Design. You can create your template quickly with the toolkit and tutorial from this designer area.
All MV templates are designed by using Adobe Flash CS3 and the uCard Flash components we provide. You need to download and install the uCard components to your Flash authoring environment before we start. This tutorial will guide you step by step to create your first template.
When you have finished your created template, you will need to upload it to test and use it. To upload your template to the server, please login in first and then click on [Account]>[My templates] at the upper right corner of the web pages.
You need to activate [My template] functionality to your account by clicking the button below: